Visiting Jim Lennon's studio was a very informative experience. It gave me an idea of how a studio is laid out and how one of my own could be as well. I liked that he had basically three separate sections of the studio, being the front office area where you walk in, then the kitchen area and then the area with all the lighting and equipment. I also liked how he had, whether they were real or mock, offices along side the back area where it looked like he had them set up for work but also for photos. Seeing just how many lights, cameras, and backdrops, along with other equipment was really an eye opener to see how much it actually takes to function. I know for every place there will be something different but it felt like Jim had everything imaginable in his studio.
When he was telling us about the financial part of the business, from owning a studio to shoots, it was another eye opener as to what it really costs to own a place of business like that. All the equipment on top of paying for the space to work in really adds up and was a pretty overwhelming amount. The costs for the shoots what not a lot more than I expected but it was more than I thought. I didn't even know that there was a sub-field of "commercial photography" and didn't realize how much money it could be to do a photo shoot for a big company.
Overall though the experience was very nice and informative. I think that it was a good way to introduce students into what it may be like to own or work in a studio.